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Using PushOwl
Using PushOwl
What are Impressions?PushOwl uses impressions to track how your campaign delivers.
Theme App ExtensionHow do we enable Theme app extension?
Why is my automation paused?Troubleshoot why your automated notifications are not sending.
Importing Email or Shopify Subscribers to PushOwlAdding Email/SMS subscribers to PushOwl
Delivery Rate (Impressions/Subscribers) of Push NotificationsPush notification delivery rate is not 100%. There are a few reasons for that.
Why Can't I Stop a Campaign?Campaigns can't be paused or stopped once they are sent. Here's why.
Revenue Attribution from NotificationsPush notifications are bringing in revenue. But how is the revenue attributed?
Why am I seeing different revenue numbers on PushOwl and Google Analytics?
Why are my dashboard changes not reflecting on the store?Sometimes you make some changes on the dashboard like the opt-in prompt text, ACR timings etc but they don't show on the dashboard.
How to disable/downgrade PushOwl without uninstallingPausing your PushOwl account without having to uninstall
Disabling PushOwl in your store for debugging
Push Notification LengthCharacter lengths vary on different platforms. Read this guide so you don’t send half-baked notifications to your subscribers
Why am I receiving multiple notifications?Here's why you receive multiple notifications when sending one campaign.
My campaign is paused because I've run out of impressionsRead how to handle overconsumption of impressions
Adding a Coupon Code to Welcome NotificationHere's how you can add a coupon code to welcome notifications and reward new subscribers.
Adding Placeholders in Web Push CampaignsUnderstand how to add placeholders in your web push campaigns to personalize it.
Adding UTM parametersTrack the performance of your push notifications in your analytics dashboard by adding UTM parameters to your notifications.
How do I reset PushOwl for testing?Here's how you can reset your PushOwl data
Sharing Products from Shopify Dashboard to PushOwlEasily share products, collections, and gift cards as a push notification with a click of a button
How do I make sure that Opt-in Browser Prompt is translated in User's Local Language?The article describes in which cases is Opt-in Browser Prompt gets translated.
Using PushOwl on a Headless StoreHow to use PushOwl on a store whose frontend is not a native Shopify or BigCommerce frontend
Uninstalling PushOwlUninstalling PushOwl / Cancelling the subscription
How to disable the Flyout Widget (Bell Icon)?The bell icon/widget can be disabled based on its visibility on different pages.
New Dashboard: Campaign ChangesQuick overview on how you can create a campaign and what has changed from the old dashboard
Utilizing Pushowl/Brevo email events on a headless store