If you've run out of impressions for the calendar month, you can follow the following steps below to get more impressions and send campaigns again:
Upgrade your plan yourself via the PushOwl dashboard (for free and business plan) or speak to our support team via the in-app chat.
Speak with your account or strategy manager to upgrade your Enterprise account to the next tier
Get one-time impressions using the Impression Top-Up tool. If you aren't sure how many impressions you would need, you can speak to our support team via the in-app chat.
Your Impression credits will reset with the first day of a new calendar month (UTC time). Impressions represent successfully delivered push notifications.
What happens to my scheduled campaigns when I run out of impressions?
If you've run out of impressions, any campaign scheduled will be automatically put on pause.
Once you've added more impressions, you can click on the 3-dot icon/ kebab menu next to the campaign and click on 'Resend' to send the paused campaign.