What are web push notifications?
Web push notifications are notifications that your website visitors can subscribe to.
Sent via browser.
The appearance of the notification is based on the browser that the subscriber opted in from.
No app install required
Web push notifications are sent to the device that the subscriber used to opt-in.
The subscriber does not need to be on the website for them to receive the notification.
What are app push notifications?
App push notifications are notifications that app users receive.
Sent via the app
App install required
App notifications are automatically sent since devices by default turn 'on' notifications for the user.
The app user does not need to be on the app for them to receive the notification.
What are on-site messages?
On-site messages are notifications that are shown within the app/screen while the user is active within the app. This includes pop-ups that we commonly see for email signups and live sales notifications that you see on the site.
These messages are triggered to be shown to the user.
User needs to be on the website to see the message.
It is not dependent on device.