Setting up button redirects
1. Create or edit a popup/embedded form
2. Click on the submit button
3. Click "Add URL"
4. Enter your destination URL
5. Save changes
6. Publish your form
Strategic users
Instant offers
Direct to coupon-applied cart
Link to exclusive collections
Guide to member-only deals
Welcome sequences
Send to welcome offers
Direct to new customer guides
Link to loyalty program signup
Time-sensitive actions
Guide to flash sales
Direct to limited stock items
Connect to event registrations
Community building
Link to social media groups
Direct to VIP program enrollment
Guide to referral programs
Best practices
Immediate value: Send subscribers to pages that deliver on your opt-in promise
Clear journey: Ensure the redirect destination makes sense after form submission
Mobile-first: Verify redirect pages work smoothly on mobile devices
Loading speed: Choose fast-loading destination pages to maintain engagement
Redirects occur immediately after successful form submission
URLs can be updated by editing the form
Test the complete subscriber journey before publishing